

May 9, 2013

What a wonderful surprise to have our cousin visiting us and expending some quality time with us.


Not a fun experience

April 22, 2013

Summer time it was the perfect time to let him be comfortable in the water while learning how to swim. We had good days and bad days, here is an example of a bad one πŸ™

Spring Recital

April 20, 2013

Like always the recital was a little bit of a mess but the kids sound great. I was selected the Inspirational Mom of the year and I was very happy as I work so hard with them .. It was about time I get some recognition πŸ™‚


Our Life in Pictures

February 28, 2013

Not a baby anymore!

January 28, 2013

As strange as it was, he loved to suck two fingers instead of just his thumb πŸ™‚ So adorable.


Christmas Portraid

December 25, 2012

Winter Recital

December 21, 2012
homeschool, LifeinPicture

Why we love Karate

December 7, 2012

Fostering Self-Discipline
Encouraging Physical Activity
Increased Self-Esteem
Instilling a Sense of Respect
Developing Teamwork Skills

The benefits of martial arts training don’t end in the dojo. The boost in confidence, increased fitness level and new cooperation skills will also help your child navigate the academic and social aspects of school, affect his behavior at home and have an all-around good influence on him as he develops into an adult.

Family, LifeinPicture, Uncategorized

Life in Pictures

December 3, 2012