When we came to the end of the road with conventional medicine, I was forced to desperately search for another way. It was in this time that the Gerson Therapy came to my attention and I decided to give it a closer look. Let me just say that I spent countless hours digging and researching before deciding to move forward.
Since my health was on the line, it was more than worth it, but it was a frantic time of trying to get the real information we needed to move forward. After doing the work, we took the next steps and made even more investments of time and money to see if it was a viable option. Once we listened, learned, and prayed, we obviously made one of the best decisions we could ever make.
I will use this blog to document what I have found and how my body is reacting.
Every day I will use the Norwalk juicer to try make and drink thirteen fresh juices, starting at 7:15 AM with a freshly squeezed orange juice. Then I have a combination of green, carrot + apple, and carrot juices every hour until 7 PM.
Juicing is the best way of getting a direct shot of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and enzymes. Nothing else gives you a boost of energy quite like it while giving your digestion a break at the same time.
Digestion is incredibly energy-intensive; energy that could otherwise be used for healing, hence the copious amount of juice I drink.
Weekly I will get approximately, 55 lbs of carrots, 29 lbs of apples, 18 lbs of oranges, and an assortment of veggies.
Everything except the oranges need to be washed with distilled water.
Diet is the foundation of the Gerson Therapy, so it’s obviously non-negotiable. This über strict diet has been a challenge for me as foodie fanatic. What exactly do I eat? A 100% organic, virtually fat-free, no-salt, almost vegan diet. Literally just plants [fruit and veggies], lentils or beans and brown rice once a week, oats [as much as I want, oooh!], a little flax seed oil, and apple cider vinegar. Sugar is very limited; just a couple of teaspoons of raw honey or maple syrup a day, and some dried fruit. That’s it. Super clean, super nourishing.